This is the table,
not of the church, but of the Lord.
It is made ready for those who love him
and want to love him more.
So come, those who have much faith
and those who have little;
those who have been here often
and those who have not;
those who have tried to follow
and those who feel they have failed.
Come, because it is the Lord who invites you.
It is his will that those who want him should meet him here.
Words of the Invitation to receive communion
St John's provides many opportunities for prayer and spiritual development. You will find information below about the services we offer weekly.
The Sunday service can still be followed either Live-streamed or via video on our Facebook page.
Sunday, 10:30am
Tuesday, 8:30am
Wednesday, 10:00am
The church is open from 30 minutes before each of these services.
Until further notice, Children's Church will be held on the first, second and third Sunday of each month, starting at 10am (during the main Sunday morning service).
Monthly : 4-5pm
Refreshments - Community - Activities - All-Ages - Prayer - Chat
Monday to Friday, 7.30am - Morning Prayer
Monday to Thursday, 5pm - Evening Prayer / Evensong
Open (unless otherwise advised)
Monday to Friday : 7.30am - 5.30pm
Weekends : 9.30am - 5.30pm
Entrance on Hall side of the church.
Church of St John the Baptist
353 Bromley Rd, London SE6 2RP
Copyright © 2020 St John's, Catford - All Rights Reserved.