We are part of the Catford (Southend) and Downham Team Ministry that serves the Parish area of Catford, Whitefoot and Downham. There are four churches including The Church of St John The Baptist, within the Team and details of the other three churches are given below.
The Parish Team has a joint Parochial Church Council (PCC) but each church has its own District Church Council (DCC). We celebrate some of the major Festivals as a Team and enjoy various social events together. The Team Clergy work very closely together and often take services in the other churches within the Team.
St Barnabas Church https://stbarnabasdownham.co.uk/
Also on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StBarnabasChurchDownham
St Luke’s Church http://stlukesdownham.org.uk/
Also on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stlukes70/
St Mark’s Church https://www.achurchnearyou.com/church/688/
Also on Facebook: https://en-gb.facebook.com/StMarksDownham/
Diocese of Southwark and the Church of England
We are part of the Diocese of Southwark https://southwark.anglican.org/
within the Church of England https://www.churchofengland.org/.
Deanery: East Lewisham
Archdeaconry: Lewisham & Greenwich
Episcopal Area: Woolwich
Diocesan Record Office: Lewisham Local History & Archives Centre
Church of St John the Baptist
353 Bromley Rd, London SE6 2RP
Copyright © 2020 St John's, Catford - All Rights Reserved.
No Morning Prayer or Evensong